Friday, March 18, 2011

Put some Spring in your step!

Was this the worlds lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngest winter or what?  Spring flings, sandals,  cherry blossoms, eyelet dresses, windblown hair, cafe dining, impromptu picnics, plain ole getting outdoors and walking with faces usp to meet the sun, late lunches and people smiling again!  Hooray!

Spring is in the air - alas!  Well it is March, so perhaps we ought not put away the rubber boots quite yet.  But what promise, what visions of love and lust are oozing to come to light?   Isn't wonderful?

Have yourself a merry weekend, slough off old man winter.  Better yet, send that old beast packing- and get an upgrade on your mobile calling plan.  You're bound to be up late nights on the phone  spewing  'sweet nothings' to a new friend.  Better yet, it's Spring... they are bound to be right beside you.  

For love is in the air!  Enjoy and drink it up responsibly!

Image courtesy Google images. Photographer unknown


  1. That was a "feel good" read. You are too much, Joy lol

  2. Hello Ms. Jhazzmyn we should make a point to feel good everyday - right! Let's promise ourselves well make it a goal!

    Happy sunshine, spread love and blessings.
