Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baked By Melissa - Bites of Heaven

If you walk fast you will miss it. From a vest pocket outpost sandwiched between a hot eatery and a jewelry shop, lies Baked by Melissa.

Sized just a bit larger than a quarter (yes a USD denomination quarter), they are mini bites of heaven. Priced at three for three dollars, Twenty dollars for twenty-five little. One hundred at seventy dollars. They may also be purchased online. At such as small size they I like to refer to them as 'bite sized (almost zero) calorie miracles'. Well maybe not zero calories. But well worth it.

Flavors are Red velvet, Smore's, Peanut Butter, Cookie n' Cream, Cinnamon, Tie-Dyed, Mint chocolate chip and Cookie Dough. The minimum order quantity from the bakery is one hundred dollars. It is very easy to consume the entire box before you reach the next street corner.

(photographs by Hautezone)

1 comment:

The Wife said...

I LOVE THE BLOG!! CONGRADULATIONS DARLING! These tastey treats loook mouth watering yummy! definitly onmy check list for new york!
Miss Taryn xoxo